Weeping Water, NE barricade situation
Cass County Sheriff Robert Sorenson advises that on Wednesday January 18, 2023 at approximately 1:41 p.m. Cass County Deputies were dispatched to 309 W. River St., Weeping Water, NE for a report of a potentially suicidal party who had barricaded himself in the residence and was in possesision of a knife. Upon arrival, deputies made contact with Buckley T. Huffman (48) who made several statements about self harm to the deputies. Huffman would not exit the residence or comply with the deputies trying to get Huffman needed help. A negotiator was called out to the scene and arrived at approximatley 4:09 p.m. in an attempt to resolve the situation. Assistance from the Nebraska State Patrol was then requested due to Huffman escalating the potential for self harm. A drone was deployed into the residence to locate Huffman and once located, Law Enforcement was able to make entry to the residence and safely take Huffman into Emergency Protective Custody without further incident.